MNEEP Toolkit: Building Safe & Supportive Schools for Immigrant & English Learning (EL) Students

In late December, MnEEP's Emerging Multilingual Learners Network hosted a webinar with 100 district leaders from across the state to listen to their questions, fears, and concerns about ICE deportation threats and their impact on schools, students, and communities.

These pressing concerns underscored the need for actionable resources to guide educators and school staff in protecting students’ rights and creating safe, supportive environments for each and every student.

Today, we’re proud to introduce the Creating Safe & Supportive Schools for Immigrant and English Learner Students Toolkit, designed to empower school leaders and educators with strategies and critical responses for upholding their students' human and educational rights. 

What’s Inside the Toolkit?

This toolkit is the first version of what will be an evolving resource. As new information, legislation, and best practices emerge, we will update the toolkit to reflect these changes and provide additional tools, resources, and case studies to support your work as educators. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to build this essential resource together!

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